Our amazing body

A couple of weeks ago I decided to join an online challenge called Move2Improve2022 led by a Doctor of Physiotherapy; Jen Esquer. Felt it would be both fun and beneficial to do a 30 day mobility and strength challenge with someone I’ve followed online for a good while. Not instead of my normal practice, but in addition to it.

The assessment the very first day got me thinking of what an amazing instrument the body is, given the right tools.

One of the things we were to do the first day, was to assess our squat. And as I went down in my squat - checking how my body responded to it - I could note that my bottom went down well below 90 degrees, that my knees stayed in line with the 2nd and 3rd toe, that there was no pain in the hips, knees or low back. That the chest and upper back stayed lifted. And that my heels stayed on the floor and I had no trouble not falling back.

You may think that this is only expected of a yoga teacher. And yes, perhaps. But then again, taking into consideration all the injuries my lower body has experienced it may not be totally given.

My right hip was replaced three years ago. I’ve had surgeries on both knees. My right knee has no ACL, the medial meniscus was split in two and the join capsule ruptured years ago. In the left knee the medial meniscus was torn in pieces that had ground a large hole in it. In addition to this, I fractured the patella (knee cap) a few years ago. And on top of these injuries I’ve sprained both ankles more times than I can keep track of and also have torn muscles and ligaments in both calves and hamstrings.

So where do I want to get with this?

My point is, that the body is the most amazing thing! Capable of healing and re-gaining mobility and strength if only we give it the right conditions.

For me that has been yoga. Different healing practices that have given me back both mobility and strength. And in addition to the physical yoga practice, good nutrition that has offered the body the building blocks it has needed to heal and recover.

So, never give up!

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